2022 Golden
For a traditional New Year’s greeting 2020 with international appeal, send the animated Gold ecard. A golden background symbolizing both nostalgia and newness shines brightly with a sparkle-star fountain effect. Auld Lang Syne, the classic song to ring in the New Year, is played softly whilst multilingual well wishes for the months ahead, move across the screen in many font styles and sizes. The final frame displays the year above a sincere greetings message which reads: ‘Wishing you a very happy New Year’.
We can create and send your branded company Christmas Ecards for enhanced seasonal cheer this holiday season
First choose an animated Christmas Ecard design, send us your customisation options, logo and web link, we will send back a link to the finished design for your approval. Next send your mailing list and preferences: preferred date and time. After the list has been cleansed where problem email addresses are removed, we can send the Ecards for you. Shortly after we will send you a detailed delivery report to gauge the success of your seasonal online greetings campaign.
Why not consider complementing your animated Christmas Ecards with printed card versions, contact us to find out the low cost, high quality printed Company Christmas Cards we can supply.

It starts with email
Put your email marketing on autopilot with personalised, scheduled, and targeted email campaigns.

Looks are everything
Dynamic Content, Bespoke Design, Animation or even Adapt from our Content Library – Design done right.

Track performance
Our analytic reporting gives you detailed visitor metrics in real-time. See who’s opening, clicking and much more.

Done for you with style
We’ll design and send your company email campaigns for you, it’s simple — we are the full-service email provider.